Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yvonne Porter

For the first time in 10 days, I missed my nightly post...I made a last minute decision to sleep over at my mom's, and with no internet connection, I was unable to do my blog for yesterday...but I'm determined to catch up, so..

Today I am thankful for...
So, I've already told you that I feel there is a special relationship between aunts and neices in one of my earlier posts, and my relationship with my Aunt Yvonne...aka "Auntie" is no exception. Auntie is my moms sister, and has always been a big part of my life.

Some of my earliest memories are of family holidays at Aunties house. She really knows how to throw a party, and she taught me everything I know about entertaining. She always has an open door and word of encouragement for anyone in need. During the summer vacations, I would spend nearly one weekend a month over at Aunties house. We would watch movies, go shopping, and best of all, CRAFT! Auntie is one of the most talented and creative ladies I know. Sewing and quilting are her specialties. So how convenient that she works at JoAnn fabrics...like the mouse in charge of the cheese! Her basement is a mini JoAnns with anything and everytthing craft related. Any crafters dream!

Auntie has taught me so many things, and has always been more than generous to me and everyone she knows. There have been many times when I have complimented a piece of jewelry that she was wearing, or O a bag she was carrying only to have her take it off, or empty it out and give it to me on the spot. Her generous nature really knows no boundaries. One of my fondest memories is when I was turning 14. That year was one of the most challenging and difficult years of my life. I was no longer going to school by this time, as the rheumatoid arthritis that I battle was in full flair up.  I was pretty lonely. When my birthday rolled around, Auntie informed me that she would be throwing me a birthday party...and it was to be a sleepover! I invited some of my cousins and a few close friends. When we got to the house, it was a teenage girls dream party. Decorations started at the mailbox and got bigger and better as we made our way inside. There were goodie boxes made for each girl, with their name painted on it. They were filled with candy, treats, and all things girly! Her son, and my cousin Mark - then also 14 - was in a rock band, so I even had a band at my party!  It was everything I could have wanted for my 14th birthday.

Auntie's talent extends to music...the piano. Oh how I envy her ability. She can sit down and make a piano sing like none other.  I remember from my youngest days at church seeing her on the piano or the organ, pounding out praise and worship, or lightly playing a song while the Holy Spirit ministered throughout the congregation.  She has only just recently given this responsibility over, but I know she can still play.

She is also a wonderful sister and daughter.  Just a few weeks ago she and my other Aunt - Deanna (you'll hear more about her soon!) made the trip from Detroit to Muskegon with my grandma - my mom's mom.  They made it to surprise my mom who had just moved away and was feeling a little homesick. It was a long and tough drive with my elderly and blind grandma - and only for 2 days - but oh what a good time we had!

I could go on an on with memories of Auntie - but maybe another day.  For now, I will say good-bye and tell her how much I love her, and I hope she knows what an influence she has been on me!
Auntie, My mom and Aunt Dee!

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