Thursday, February 7, 2013

Melissa Lein

Today I am grateful for...
Melissa Lein
In the whole picture of my life, Melissa Lein is a relatively new friend to me.  But for me, it feel like we have known each other for a really long time.  We met on a DeColores weekend in March of 2009.  Once I had made my DeColores weekend, I knew it was something that I wanted my mom to experience.  She resisted until I used the marker that no mom can refuse...a birthday wish!  Yes, My birthday was March 14, and the weekend was at the end of March.  My devious plan had worked...she was coming. 
What I didn't plan, was meeting someone who would later become such a womderful example, role model and friend to me...Melissa Lein.  She was so quiet on the weekend, I thought she was extremely shy.  Now, I know better!  Being a prayer warrior, I didn't get much interaction with Melissa, but the little I did was always positive and upbeat.  She and mom had a few conversations, and at lunch one day my mom told me that she had found out that Melissa was acquainted with the birth mother of my children, Judi.  They had worked together many years before.  Melissa asked me about Justin, Julie and Joey - saying that she had met them many years before when they were very young, and had come to visit their mom at work.  We finished lunch while I got her caught up on all the changes in their lives, but never really talked about ourselves.
It wasn't until months later when we would be at DeColores activities together, or other church functions that our friendship began to really blossom.  I can't really put my finger on the moment we became friends - I just know that I get excited when I have a meeting or service to attend that Melissa will also be at - because I am always excited to catch up!
Melissa is in school, studying ministry. What a calling God has on this amazing young woman.  She is currently the youth Pastor at a church in Grand Haven, and she has done awesome things with the kids.  They are blessed to have her, and I hope that they realize it!
She has also taken a special interest in our children.  Both Julie and Joey are special to her - I know, because she is always asking me about them, and she makes a point to seek them out for hello and good-bye whenever we are together.  She has poured into them, interceded for them, and given them some of the most wonderful and objective advice a parent could hope for.  I do so pray that one day our kids realize how many people it took to raise them so well, and that they owe them all a debt of gratitude as well.   I'm so thankful for the men and women who are a part of helping Jeff and I raise our children in the Lord.  The influences of other adults makes such a difference in them, and if your kids don't have that, get it for them! 
When Melissa told me that she felt the Lord leading her to lead a women's weekend one day, I was so excited and hopeful that she would call on me to work it.  I never said anything to her at the time, but when the time for planning her weekend came and I received the call!  I was ecstatic!  However,  my life was in such a time of turmoil and craziness with moving my parents to west Michigan, I really felt I had to say no. I would have never been able to give the proper attention to the ministry that it deserves.  It was so very difficult, because my flesh really wanted to be with my friend when she accomplished this amazing goal - but as we talked about it later, God had everything planned just as it should have been, because the person who said yes in my place was exactly who was needed for that particular weekend.  I'm so thankful that the Lord still speaks to me in that still small voice, and that I am able to hear and to be obedient...most of the time!
We also serve together on the Westshore secretariat of the DeColores movement, she as the secretary (for now...) and me as a church contact along with Deacon Ron Pimpleton.  We have good times at these meetings, all the while getting business accomplished.  She is soft spoken, deeply committed and as patient as a person can be.  She knows how to wait on God and to not try to orchestrate things in her life on her own.  She is an amazing mom and grandma, and I wonder if her kids and grandkids know it? I hope so!
While I friendship is fresh and new, I can just tell it is one for the ages as well.  I think we will be friends long after we have finished raising kids and playing with grandkids.  At least that is my sincere prayer.  When I think of the Proverbs 31 woman, Melissa is one woman who comes to my mind.  I pray for her often and think of her just as much.
I hope I've told you how much our friendship means to me Melissa, and forgive me if I haven't. I love you and I am grateful for you!

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