Sunday, February 3, 2013

Angela Terry

Today I am grateful for...
Angie Terry
As I was looking at my first several posts, I realized that the people I have been concentrating on are people who are in my life at the moment. However, there are friends from the past that I am very grateful for. Angie is one of those people. Our friendship isn't in the past, but time and distance have kept us apart...except for a last minute Black Friday shopping trip two Thanksgvings ago!
Angie was my BFF in Junior High, High School and in a few years beyond!  I can't really remember when we met, I just know it was during the mid 80's when big hair and big clothes were in style - and we had BOTH!  I just know that in 7th grade, she was there, and for once, someone was nice to the fat girl.  I had been overweight all my life, and by 7th grade I was at my all time high, but Ang didn't care.  We spent nearly every weekend together - at either one of our houses - doing everything from going shopping to watching videos...yes, we were there when MTV started!  It was nice to have someone who didn't care abouthow I looked and just liked me for me.
We went through Junior High and High School side by side - running in various elections and serving on committees together. I think the most fun year was our senior year. I was the Presdient of the Student Government, and Angie was the Parliamentarian. Though we knew little about parliamentary procedure, our meetings were always a good time AND excused absences from class!
We planned school programs and activities, and really had the high school experience..right down to riding together in the Homecoming parade in or senior year...behind the candidates for homecoming queen - we didn't want to be the homecoming queen ANYWAY!  LOL...
We spent nearly every single day from 7th grade through graduation together...we had hoped to walk in graduation together, however my friend was a great deal smarter than I, and we all know the smart kids walk in first!  With all the days of school I missed due to the arthritis, I was just happy to be in the number!  I did have the awesome experience of speaking at graduation - thankfully as our valedictorian decided to give his speech in Spanish...REALLY, Juan? I can remember hanging out at Captain Nemos Subs while she worked...what a job. Making, arguably, the best subs in Michigan, getting to eat the no shows orders, and talk to your friends. Oh, what I wouldn't do for a traditional sub, cut in half!! 
We attended Eastern Michigan University together the fall after graduation - I moved intothe dorms and Angie commuted from home.  It was this time that we began to grow apart..not in friendship, but just logistically...we couldn't spend as much time together.  We always carved time out of our busy schedules for lunch or meeting at parties or the mall. We worked at our friendship, and it paid off.
She was there with me on one of the most important days of my wedding day. After all, I was right there on hers as for her wedding it was VEGAS BABY!! We've made some really fun road trips, and since we both joined the travel club - we saw lots of the United States together.  We stood on top of the World Trade Center in 1989 or 1990 - having no idea what was to come.  Nashville was a country music dream or nightmare - depending on your love for all things country music..she loved it - I loved being away from school. The Grand Ole' Opry was pretty cool - could of done without Dollyworld!  Oh Mr. Stoh and his narratives at the end of our travel club videos. Note: Men should NEVER get perms!
Check out the WTC in the background!
Angie has a wonderful husband and son - and she is an excellent mom.  She dotes on Nicholas, and it is obvious that he is her everything.  Family is important to her, as it is to me.  Our moms treated us the same...good or bad.  We weren't gettng away with ANYTHING!!
It was so good to be with her and our friend, Heather 2 Thanksgivings ago. We spent that weekend in Detroit with my parents, not knowing it would be their last in Romulus. When I saw that they planned a Black Friday trip, they let me join in. 
Angie, Amy & Heather, ready to graduate!
I wish we could see each other more often - but the great thing about TRUE FRIENDS, is that no amount of time diminishes the friendship. When either one of us calls the other, we pick right up where we left off - no blaming or whining about why the other didn't call first. Maturity is a wonderful thing!
We have seen each other through soome pretty tough times - she was right there with me when Tommy died, and when she was so sick during her pregnancy that she had to stop working, I made sure to keep her encouraged and remind her that she was meant to be a mom!
Now, past our 20 year reunion, and we may only hear from each other at Christmas and on our respective birthdays - not counting the occasional Facebook posts, but we know the other is there, and that is what matters.

Ang - you are the best! I miss you and love you!

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