Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deanna Mangold

Today I am grateful for...
Aunt D
So, I'm certain by now you've noticed that I have alot of aunts in my life.  Be they blood related, or not, yes, I have been blessed with an abundance of women with wisdom to impart and generosity overflowing.  I am so blessed.  Aunt Deanna, (Aunt D) is also my mom's sister,and the youngest of the sisters.  Like Auntie, I grew up having Aunt D in my life as a constant presence, mostly because we all attended the same church.  This made it nice because we could see our cousins at least once, if not twice each week - so we could always keep up with what was happening in each other's lives.  Aunt D's daughter, Margie (my cousin) is a mere 6 weeks my senior. That used to drive me CRAZY...now however, not so much! After all, this meant she turned 40 before I!  Margie and I were like sisters, and this meant that Aunt D, much like Auntie was another mother to me. 
My earlist memories are of Aunt D being my Sunday School teacher. I think I was about 5 or 6, and my birthday fell on a Sunday. She had everyone in the class (mostly my cousins, but a few friends as well) write me a birthday note and make me a card.  I came into the class and everyone was waiting to give me their contribution.  One thing one could always count on, was Aunt D having a camera. Yes, I do believe that she has immortalized me more than any other.  During my parents move, I came upon the photos of that birthday, and I enjoyed reminiscing all by myself.
For the most part, my memories of Aunt D when I was little consist of everyone together at church, holidays or family functions. I have many more personal memories of Aunt D and I as I became an adult.  There was one particular season in my life, I know it was after high school, and before I took my first real job, where we spent many nights each week together.  She asked me to begin helping her keep the records at church, and she would train me on these nights.  I would come from my apartment in Ypsilanti to her home in Westland, we would share dinner - Taco Bell, furnished by Aunt D - and we would get to work.  When I had learned the bookwork, we began to learn how to put the information on the computer. This is not, however, the computer that we all know and can't live without today. Oh no..we are talking about 100 pounds of gray plastic housing a 5 in by 5 in, amber or green colored screen, and the only mouse in the house was the old fashioned Mickey card hanging on the corkboard.  It was an exercise in torture trying to clean out old files, enter new ones and keep everything running .  We shared many laughs and tears over those weeks and months.
After I had my second bariatric surgery (about 10 years after a failed stomach stapling), Aunt D was there to bring me home.  I was supposed to be on liquids only, but I hadn't eaten in SOOOO long, I was ready for something...Spaghettios will do nicely!  She fixed me what I asked for, watch me take one delicious bite, and stayed with me while I threw up for the next 3 hours, in terrible pain! 
Aunt D taught me many things...mostly about bookeeping, organizing files, keeping track of invoices, etc.  When she was done, I was ready to take on the administrative duties for any major corporation. She is all about the details.
She also is a lover of all things "holiday". Not just Christmas...noooo, Aunt D decorated her hose and yard for every single holiday on the calendar. We are talking May Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and I bet she has some "Mardi Gras" decorations if she looked hard enough. Her home was always lit up and so festive.  I couldn't wait to see what it would look like.
We even spent some time cleaning our church together.  There is nothing that is more satisfying and rewarding than seeing an auditorium go from cluttered, dirty and disorganized, to sparkling and ready for Sunday.  There is such humility and honor in that position. We listened to music, talked, laughed, prayed and even cried sometimes.
When she lost her husband, my Uncle Rodger, she lost the love of her life. He passed just shortly after Jeff and I were married. I do believe his was one of the first funerals we attended together. Uncle Rog was something else...a definite character, yet, a man with character.  I know how much I miss him...I can't imagine how much she does.  It seems since then, she's been trying to find her new "normal".  She has moved and moved again, suffered accidents and painful surgeries with even more painful therapy and recoveries - but she never lets it get her down. She always has a word of encouragement for someone.  That is a true example of Christ in us.
I have enjoyed telling you all about the wonderful "Aunties" God has placed in my life...Aunt D, you are loved, missed, and most of all, appreciated!

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