Sunday, February 10, 2013

Asher Pimpleton

Today I am grateful for...
Asher Pimpleton
When I met Asher, I recall thinking 2 things...the first was, "man, this woman is GORGEOUS!" and second, "this woman is HILARIOUS!"  She had me laughing and completely comfortable with her in under 5 minutes.  I really don't remember the circumstances surrounding our first meeting, but it had something to do with the young people, and she was a part of it.  She was reassuring me that the adults in charge would have a good handle on all the kids and that my teenage daughter would be safe and well cared for. 

From there, I just remember being so glad when Asher was in the Praise Team and I was at church.  She is such a talented singer (among many other things) and I absolutely loved to listen to her ans worship with her never had to stop as far as I was concerned. 

Asher was always a student - since the day I met her, she was pretty much seeking higher education of one form or another, at one school or another - most of the time.  There were a few jobs scattered among the matriculation...but I was always amazed at how determined this young woman was to gain higher education, and that she wasn't settling for just a job.

The thing I am most grateful to Dr. Pimpleton for (sorry, Asher - I had to say it at least earned it!!) is her patient kindness and positive influence on our children.  She was one of a handful of adults who were "in charge" of the youth group where we went to church when Julie was old enough to attend youth group.  She would seek her out and make her feel comfortable, as Julie had a tendancy to shyness and was not one to insert herself into a conversation...back then anyway. I think she is cured of that trait!  Asher was always an advocate for the young women - encouraging them to better themselves through education or training, and to not settle for less that their very best. 

Asher was a chaperone on Julie's first trip to "BattleCry".  This was a youth conference held at Cobo Hall, located in the "D" ( case you are not sure!), and was attended by youth groups and young people from all over.  They took a charter bus and 50 kids and went on their way.  Julie was certainly changed when she came home.  It was a phone call from Darius Pimpleton (Asher's brother) letting Julie's dad and I know that at that very moment, our little girl had gone down to the front of this huge auditorium to re-dedicate her life to Jesus Christ - and Asher was there with her.  They returned on that charter bus, exhausted and on fire.  The praise team gave a worship service like never before, and Julie was a part of it.  Unfortunately, it wouldn't be long before Asher would have to leave in order to pursue her dream of her masters degree, and then her Ph.D.  Those were sad times when she had to leave, but wonderful times when she would come to visit.

Fast forward a few years, and Asher was making one of her infrequent visits, when the strangest situation occured.  I can't recall the conversation, or how it got started, but Jeff and Joey and I were at the Pimpletons visiting with the family, and before we knew it, Joey had asked her out on a date.  My 14 year old son was looking for a cougar! reality, I think he was bragging about his vast experience with the opposite sex, and Asher had the common sense to call him on it!  When it was all said and done, my son had his very first date with Asher.  He was nervous and excited all at the same time.  He came home a few hours later armed with the knowledge that very few young men have the common sense to take.  He knows how to treat a lady, and what a lady wants from a young man.  I'm proud to say that Joe isn't girl crazy or running from relationship to relationship.  He is content to have friends and be patient for the one God has for him. Not to say he hasn't had a few crushes along the way...but who could stop that?  THANK YOU ASHER!!

It was this past May that our family vacation was to beautiful downtown Carbondale! What? You say you've never been? LUCKY YOU!! Yes, it was the drive to end all drives with nothing to see but corn, silos, corn, windmills and did I mention corn?  Why Carbondale?  We had the awesome privilege of seeing Ms. Asher Pimpleton walk across the stage (rocking some 4 inch sandals), then to be hooded (don't know..GOOGLE it - I had to!) and exit the stage as Dr. Asher Pimperton...yes, they called her Pimperton! But the diploma must've been correct, for my friend is now a doctor!  What a proud moment for her family - and I count us among them, and I'm honored to do so.  We had watched her mature into a lovely young woman, determined to get her degree with paying for it (hence the classes in Carbondale, perhaps?)  and never wavering in her committment to the Lord.  Her first order of business whenever she moved to another school or city was to locate a church and find a church home.  She gets involved, no matter how busy her professional life keeps her.  She is one mighty example of an independent woman, sold out for Jesus Christ!

It is so wonderful to have a young woman like Asher, not only as a friend, but as an example to our children.  She is the friend that everyone should have...and she LOVES the Golden Girls!

Thank you Asher, not just for being my friend, but for caring about my family and for being a light to my children. Your sacrifice did not go unseen and we can never thank you enough!  I pray for you often, that God would give you every desire of your heart!  I love you.

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