Saturday, February 16, 2013

to be continued...

So, technically, last nights entry was to be my last "gratitude" entry.  Funny how the Lord didn't stop bringing people to my mind, just because the required number of days had passed.  It was my intent to do the gratitude blog for 20 days, as part of a fast with my church - Shekinah Chrisitan Ministries. 

What I learned was that I have much more to be grateful for than I really realized, and that I am blessed and highly favored with people who not only love me, but serve me, uplift me, encourage me, pray for me, hold me accountable, and minister to me.  The Lord has placed me and my family smack dab in the center of the most amazing group of individuals that we could have ever hoped for.  From our biological family, to our church family, to our DeColores family - we are blessed with more friends than we could have ever imagined.  It took a small committment on my part, just to let those folks for whom I am grateful, know that I am grateful for them, for the Lord to open my eyes to the massive community of believers I have to call on in times of need or trouble. 

I pray that as I continue to write my entries, the Lord will bless those I am writing about.  I never want to seem ungrateful for the many, many friends He has blessed me with.  As I look back at the 21 days of entries, I realize that I have only scratched the surface of my gratitude list. 

So, for that reason - I will pick up again tomorrow, and as often as  I can thereafter, until I have exhausted my gratitude list.  If you want to see a change in your life, make the committment to start being more grateful.  Whether you choose to send a hand written note, as my pastor's wife, Ms. Coretta did when she issued her challenge, or you choose to write a blog, or a traditional journal to the folks you are grateful for - you will be surprised at how many people start coming to your mind, and you'll be overwhelmed by the fact that it took something like this to help you realize how very blessed you really are.

At least that's what it has done for me...wonder what it will do for you?  I throw down the gauntlet...who will pick it up?

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