Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lisa Holt-Darrow

Today I am grateful for...
Lisa Holt-Darrow
Lisa was my very first friend...I can remember her being there as long as I remember my own brothers!  She lived one house over on Harrison Street, and we were pretty much inseperable from early childhood through Junior High when life took us into different directions. We still have contact today, through Facebook and my frequesnt visits to Romulus when she happens to be at her Mom's house.  There was an amazing magic we had on Harrison Street. I'm not sure if all streets had what we had, but for many, many years, nobody moved in or out of the subdivision - and we all knew each other.  We would spend the hours after school playing outdoors - spring, summer, winter and fall. We were not like the sissy children and young people today who dare to let a snow day come and go without destroying that beautiful white blanket of fluffy fun!  I still can't get over it when the kids have the day off of school, and the snow remains untouched all day long!  By 10am we were back inside thawing out with hot chocolate and marshmallows after thousands of snowball fights, a host of snow angels made, and a batallion of snow forts being built.  One cup of hot chocolate, mom checking for frostbite, and we were back at it until sun down!  I'll get off my soap box now!
Lisa had siblings who were much older than we were, so she was sort of like an only child.  By the time we were old enough for sleepovers, she was the only child left in the house - so we usually chose her house for them!  Imagine, she didn't want to come where there were 3 smelly boys in the room next door.  When summertime rolled around, we had the time of our lives.  By 9am we were meeting at the street light, and making the plans for the days activities.  Tag, Hide and Seek, Chinese Jump Rope just to name a few.  There were lots of other kids - but mostly boys - ick - so Lisa and I stuck together.  I remember Gloria and Sunshine would be with us on most days, but no matter what, it was Lisa and I. 
We went through young crushes together, fights with the other girls on the block - but never with each other. I don't remember ever having had a fight or even a disagreement with Lisa.  She came with us to church on many Sundays, and I am glad to say she found her love for the Lord at Southgate Apostolic Church all those years ago.
When we were in Junior High, we had a whole system for half days of school.  Our moms worked, so we came home and we were HUNGRY! Well, luckily there was a Hungry Howies right around the corner...too far to walk - but they had delivery!  They always had buy one get one free - yes, I've been a Savings Angel since Junior High!  We would call, place the order for delivery  and get the total - it was $6.06 - can you imagine that for 2 cheese and pepperoni pizzas, delivered??  Well, the cute delivery boy would show us with our steaming hot pizzas - and what did we give him?  $3.03 each - who knew what a tip was, and by the time we had raided our piggy banks, we barely had much left. I think about that often, and always when we order pizza for delivery. I always tip my drivers well now - trying to make up for the sins of my past, I suppose!
After Junior High, and we lost our brother, Tommy, Lisa and I began to drift apart.  I'm not exactly sure why, but we  started running around with different crowds, and suddenly we weren't together all the time.  We were still teenagers when her first son was born - on my older brother, Steve's birthday - April 16th.  She named him James Joseph - yes, little Jimi Joe was a cutie to be sure. But he wasn't to be long for this world. Not long after he was born, my dad and I went to the NICU at the hospital and had special prayer for him with his mom, but it was only a matter of a few more days, and the Lord took him home.  That was such a terrible time for Lisa, and I remember not knowing how to console her, having just gone through the loss of my brother not too long before - the loss of a child seemed so much harder.  With the help of the Lord, Lisa got through that tragedy at such a young age. I do believe it changed her a great deal. She became the most understanding and ultra compassionate person, always wanting to help and do for others.
Just this past spring, Lisa lost her dad - we happened to be in Romulus and saw all the cars at her moms house. When I went to investigate, I found myself at Clinnon's wake.  It was odd to see all the Holt children together under one roof, now with children and grandchildren of their own.  Where did the years go?
We don't see each other or get together as much as I would like to - but we are FB friends, and she has posted some of the most hilarious photos of our childhood escapades.  Those friends from the time in our life when everything is good and there is no pressure or stress and it just one summer day to the next are the friends we never forget.  We may not know what is happening in each others worlds at the moment, but one phone call and we are back like we never stopped talking. 
I love my friend, Lisa...and I am grateful that she was there just when I needed her!

Amy & Lisa at Cedar Pointe..just a few years ago!

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