Saturday, February 2, 2013

Corrine Strickler

Today, I am grateful for
Corrine Strickler
Ms. Corrine Strickler is, without a doubt, one of the most wonderful women I know!  This lady knows how to have a good time, all the time, and she has become a very special friend to me over the years.
I love to remember when I first saw Corrine, and knew that she was someone I wanted to get to know.  We attended the same church, and she and her father had just returned from a missions trip to Peru.  This particular Sunday, they were giving their testimonies of what the Lord had done while they were over seas, and Corrine's touched my heart and my spirit.
She spoke of the women, and how they were doing without some of the most basic of necessities, and still willing to give all that they had to the missionaries.  One night, after a long day of working, Corrine and the others went to the home of someone from the village - I can't recall if it was for a meal or just to visit - but it really doesn't matter, because what happened next, touched us both.  As they entered the home, the woman of the house prepared to wash their feet.  Corrine cried as she gave the account of the woman who had so little, washing her feet...dirty from working in flip flops all day long.  What a special bond this had made - not only between Corrine and the woman, but between Corrine and I...even though we didn't know it yet.  Later, when we had the opportunity to chat about her testimony and I told her how much it meant to me, we both ended up in tears, rejoicing over the goodness of the Lord.  It had been so long since I had been in a foot washing and communion service, and my Spirit was dry.  Just talking about it with a friend helped a little bit.
As our friendship grew, we figured out that we share many similar ( vicariously through the Food Network and in our kitchens too!), crafting, shoes and bags.  We spent many hours talking about and doing something about many of our hobbies. 
Anyone who knows Corrine, knows that her heart is for women - she loves to entertain her sisters in the Lord. God blessed her with a big, beautiful home in which to do so.  This home also has the most INSANE scrapbook room...extra favor!  I've been to many events in her home, and I always feel like an honored guest.  We've even had all night scrapbook and stamping parties, complete with dinner and breakfast. How awesome when you can combine two of your favorite activities!
She is the single mom of teenage, Bryce.  Having a teen boy of my own, I can't imagine raising him alone - but she has done an amazing job with him. He is a great young man, and even traveled with her on her last trip back to Peru.  We can talk about our boys as well, giving each other encouragement and advice without apology or fear. We just know what the other is going through where the kids are concerned.
More than anything though, she loves the Lord.  She is involved with a group of women called "Legacy" and they are doing amazing things in West Michigan, and all over.  They celebrate women and encourage them to live and leave their legacy now - through Jesus Christ.  She was a key note speaker at the first Legacy conference last fall, and I had to say I was proud to be the front row while she donned her "God size" perspective glasses.  Oh how she allows the Lord to speak through and use her.  She is an inspiration and an exaple of the Proverbs 31 woman that I strive to be.
She has helped me through many tough times, and many wonderful times. She was a trooper with Karri and I for my husbands Surprise 50th Birthday party.  She came early to help set up, stayled to the end for clean up, and even helped create the theme with her amazing creativity and that CriCut machine I so admire and covet! 
We share a special secret, and one day, when the Lord sends her the husband He has just for her, we will share a very special moment...I can't wait.  There is so much more I could say about this friend of mine, but I shall end it with this, for now:
Corrine, I love you, and I hope you know how much. You are my friend, my sister and one awesome bargain hunter!


  1. Wow. What do I say to that except a very humble thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have blessed me over and over with your servant's heart. You serve daily with your time & strength. You have once again served me, this time so beautifully with your words. I am truly blessed.

    p.s. I can't wait to share our secret either. So glad you didn't forget.
