Monday, February 18, 2013

My Uncles~

Today I am grateful for...
As I look back over the posts I've written, I re-read all the posts about my aunts, and my aunties..there is a distinct difference, though one is not above the other!  However, as I thought about them, my mind immediately went to most of their husbands, my uncles.  I do have some "uncles" in my life with whom I do not share blood, but a bond stronger - that of the blood of Jesus. 

Growing up, 2 of my uncles were also Elders in my church, and one was the Pastor.  I only mention this, because from my youngest days, I can remember the time during every service when anyone desiring prayer for sickness was asked to come forward, to be anointed and prayed over.  I placed myself in that line at every single opportunity.  When it was my turn at the altar, they wouldn't need to ask for what I needed prayer - they knew.  They would anoint my head and lay hands on my, asking God to heal my body of the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis that has racked my body since the age of 2.  They would finish praying, and I would return to my seat...still in pain.  As I got older, and the disease progressed, I would often miss service due to extreme pain and swelling.  Some nights the pain was unbearable, and sleep was not to be had.  I could still call these awesome men of God, and no matter the time of night, they would begin to pray for me, until the crisis passed, and I could rest.

I've also got a great-uncle (I know, they are all probably thinking, "I am great!", but I'm talking relationship mom's uncle = my great-uncle) who played a very important role in my life after 20 and before 30.  He saw me through tough physical and spiritual times, and became a constant companion of my mother and I.  We travelled out east, all the way to New Brunswick, Canada - to the homestead where our family is from.  He told us wonderful stories of his youth, and even the years before he was born.  He is an expert on family history, and if you have a question about the relationship of someone in our family, if anyone has the answer, Uncle William does!

And as far as my "uncles" minus the blood relation...the Lord has given me a few of those as well, Men of God that I admire, look up to, and feel confident to ask for direction, instruction, advice and even correction.  It's like a dad without the rules!

I just couldn't ignore the men in my life - because I have been so very blessed by their sacrifices on my, to the following uncles and "uncles", I say thank you, I love you and you are appreciated!

Uncle David Porter, Uncle Wayne Parent, Uncle Bryan Parent, Great-Uncle William Parent,
"Uncle" Ron Pimpleton, and to Uncle Rodger Mangold, until we meet again!

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