Saturday, February 9, 2013

Amy Deering

Today I am grateful for...
Amy Deering
When I met her, she was Amy Denslow, and we were to work a Westshore DeColores women's weekend together.  It was at our first team meeting that I met her, and I was drawn immediately to her.  Her sweet and kind spirit, paired with a sense of humor and a realness that just can't be faked would make for an amazing friend!  As we got to know each other better over the course of our meetings, it was obvious to me that Amy was a kindred spirit and I knew our friendship would far outlast the weekend on which we were serving.

Due to the nature of our positions, we really didn't get to see too much of each other on that weekend, but when the follow up meetings began, we were able to chat and visit more.  I don't know what it was that drew me to her specifically, but when I had the awesome honor of serving with her yet again, this time we were both in the same position - so we would be able to spend more time together and really get to know each other.  Well, by the close of that weekend, I had heard Amy deliver a talk that was so beautiful, heartbreaking, honest, and sincere, I knew I wanted to secure my friendship with her.

I've listened to her talk about her children, and what an awesome mom they have..I pray they realize it.  At the time, we were both raising teenage daughters in our home, so what a source of comfort, information and most of all, compassion we were to one another!  Only another mother of a teen age girl can understand what a mother can go through on a daily basis. 

Amy is generous to a fault and a wonderful listener.  I was able to unload on her more than once, and thinking back, I can't recall if I ever returned the favor.  If I haven't, I certainly will someday.  SHe is also a exactly what the bible speaks of when it speaks of a laywoman in the church.  Amy is a servant with a heart to never say no...even at her own detriment.  God gets her through and she is on to the next challenge.  She was married just a few short years ago, and from my perspective, ahe is a shining example of the Proverbs 31 woman all the way.  I am proud to have her as a friend to me, and to call her friend.

Amy has also been a blessing to my children - especially my son, Joe.  They  worked a DecoTEC teen weekend together some time ago, and she made an impression upon him unlike I have ever seen him have.  He listens to what she has to say and takes it to heart.  Anytime another adult pours into the life of my children when they have children of their own is to be commended.  It isn't easy to build rapport with a teen today - but it is vital to their growing up and maturing, especially in the Lord.  I'm so glad that Amy decided to say yes when God placed my children in her path.  I know it is scary to try to guide someone elses child, because you are constantly fearful of steering them incorrectly or pushing them away with the wrong word or phrase.  But knowing that Amy is a woman who is filled with the Holy Spirit, I trust the Lord to give her what she needs, not only for my kids, but hers, and whomever she is ministering to at the time.  She is definitely obedient and faithful.

I just know the opportunity for she and I to actually spend time together, aside from our children will happen soon enough and I look forward to getting to know her even better. 

Thanks, Amy ~ for being such a wonderful mentor to my kids, and such an amazing friend and sister in Christ to me.  I pray you know how grateful I am to have you in my life.  God Bless!

Amy and her husband, Mark

1 comment:

  1. Wow.....I am so very humbled, never have I been brought to such tears thru a "blog". Amy, you speak too kindly of me... It is ONLY through the grace of God that you see such the good in me. It is ONLY thru HIM that anything good come out of me, for without HIM I would be nothing. In HIM I live, and move, and have my being...and I wouldn't have it any other way.
    I am so very grateful for your friendship and for also being able to serve with you in ministry through the De Colores ministries as well as serving with your son, Joe who is an amazing, spirit filled young man that lives out his testimony and faith. What a man of character, to which I credit God & the persistence of a praying mother & father. Keep it up!
    Thank you for the encouragement you have given me to keep pressing on and "running the race" which Christ has set before me. I love you Amy Milner! Let's get a date on the calendar soon to get together. I'd love to spend some quality time with you. ~ Love Amy D.
