Thursday, January 31, 2013

Karri Gordon

Today I am grateful for
This woman was an answer to my prayer for a friend.  I had been in Muskegon for more than 6 years, and though I had made many friends at church or at the kids' schools (other parents, not the kids!), I still felt lonely, like I didn't have that one BFF anymore.  Our church is small, and the ladies who are there, though wonderful and certainly my friends, were older than I, and we were at such different places in our lives, it wasn't the same as a sister friend I could go through things with.

Enter Karri Gordon.  I knew of her long before we met. Her mom, Linda Strait (yesterdays post) had requested prayer for her for many years...either for a healthy pregnancy, healing from illness, but most of all, for her salvation.  Finally, Linda's prayer was answered, and Karri came to visit us at Shekinah Christian Ministries.  She was tough and strong and definitely guarded that day.  There were a few of us "younger" (yes, I shall always refer to myself as belonging to that genre) ladies who wanted to meet the lovely young lady we had prayed for so many times.  As we chatted, I felt a small hope growing...but I didn't want to get my hopes up too soon, after all, she was just there to get her mom to stop asking her to come (I found this out later!).  

Fast forward a a few months, and a new baby Ryan is added to the Gordon clan and the ladies of Shekinah made a trip to hear Joyce Meyer in Grandville, MI.  Thanks to the generosity of Ms. Corrine Strickler, we would all be staying the night at a hotel so that we could attend both days.  Of course being just a few weeks old, baby Ryan accompanied us.  The weekend turned out to be the beginning of the turning point for Karri - I could see the Lord get a hold of her heart, only I don't think she really realized it yet.  A few short weeks later, however, another tug of the Holy Spirit, and Karri became more than my friend, she became my sister in Christ.  It was Linda who approached me about doing a bible study with Karri - because she felt as if she needed something more.  We chose "The Power of a Praying Wife" and in the year we went about doing the study, our friendship grew into so much more.  Karri learned that I wasn't just a "church girl", as I could recite lyrics from every great 80's and 90's rock ballads...and I learned she wasn't just a here today, gone tomorrow Christian...she was sold out for Christ, but she needed more.

We grew in our friendship as well as learned about our husbands through that time...some good, some bad.  I wish I could say we finished, but as life tends to, it got in the way...but we will!!  In that time, she was more than generous to open her home, first as "Surprise Party Central" for my husbands surprise 50th birthday. I did all my baking, invitation making and all I could at her house, to help keep the surprise alive.  Then later that same year, even being 8 months pregnant, she once again opened her home and helped me host a bridal shower for my daughter at the very last minute.  

We have been through many trying times together, and though we haven't had many years as friends, we feel like we've known each other forever.  No matter what is going on in her world, when she hears that I'm having a struggle, I get a text saying, I'm praying for you, and what can I do?  I've received dinners while I was busy moving my parents from Detroit to Muskegon, and many encouraging phone calls just to make sure I was ok.

The past few months have been a challenge as we have both had significant changes in our lives, but it hasn't changed our friendship.  I know God has something wonderful in store for both of us, and when we finally get around to getting back to our bible study, we will be able to look back and see where God has brought us.

If I don't say it enough, I am grateful for you Karri, and I love you!

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