Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ms. Coretta Pimpleton

Here we are, well into the new year.  I'm reaching the point where those promises, or "resolutions" I made have either become a new habit, or have fallen by the wayside like so many diets, books to be written or read, and that pesky porch that just does NOT want to be organized!

A challenge was issued to the congregation at church this morning, and it is one I have decided to take.  Just so you don't think me an impulsive "challenge taker", the same person issued the same challenge at a women's bible study that she was leading on January 19 - so I have had some time to really think about whether or not I would accept.

The challenge maker was the final reason I decided to take up the challenge.  Before I tell you about her, I'll tell you what the challenge is.  We are challenged to keep a "gratitude journal" for 21 days,  and to send a note of thanks or encouragement to someone that we are grateful for, or someone who has done something for which I am grateful.  I have so many people in my life who have been so good to me, and for whom I am so grateful, this challenge should be pretty easy.  The actual challenge part for me will be disciplining myself to writing everyday and sending those notes!  This is where you come in.  I have decided to make my journal, a "digital" one - for 2 reasons. First, because I have always wanted to blog, I think blogging is cool - I'm now a blogger! Second, because I know that you will all keep me accountable and responsible to keep it up. If I say I'm going to write something everyday for 21 days, it will help me stay motivated knowing that instead of a little diary on my nightstand which is only viewed by yours truly, I have all of you reading and waiting for tomorrows edition. At least that is what I hope will happen.  Either way ~ today is day one, and I am grateful for:

Ms. Coretta Pimpleton
Nearly eight years ago, God saw fit to bring this amazing woman into my life and my world, and for that, I will always be grateful!  We met, oddly enough, at a bible that she was leading called "The Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer.  This was not a study for the faint of heart, ladies. This study had teeth! And Ms. Coretta was just the lady to lead me through it!  At the time, I was a new wife and mother (these events all occurred on the same day - more on that later!) and I was struggling to fit in with a new town and folks at a new church.  Neither of these were going very well, when one Sunday I noticed an announcement on the screen at church for a women's bible study.  It had alredy started, and I'm not one to jump into something in the middle, but I felt compelled to go that next meeting.  Before that day arrived, however, my mom and dad came from Detroit to visit and spend a few days with us.  We decided to go to church, and that morning I introduced my mom to Ms. Coretta - having only met her one time before myself.  It was only a few moments and they were conversing like old friends, and I excused myself to go find Joey, who had disappeared from his Sunday School class - again!  Upon finding him where he could always be found, then and now, at the refreshments, I went back to find my mom and Ms. Coretta.  They had finished their conversation and my mom was waiting for me to get my coat on so we could leave.  As I accomplished this task, my mom said these words to me - "Amy, I want you to get close to her".  I really didn't think much if it at the time - I figured she had given her telephone number and asked her to spy on me.  Later that month I attended the first Battlefield study, and I knew I was home.  God had sent me a friend, or 5!  There were ladies in the study that I remain close friends with to this day.  This friendship has withstood a change of churches and pastors, distinctly different upbringings and multiple health issues for both of our husbands and ourselves. 
Here we are today, and it makes me proud to say that Ms. Coretta Pimpleton is my pastor's wife, my mentor, my example of the Proverbs 31 woman, but more than all of these, I am honored to call her my friend.  Even when she catches me in the wintertime, not wearing a hat or socks, I know she still loves me. When she challenges me to "re-language" the negative comment I just made, I know she cares. And when she criticizes my choice of PANK for a favorite color...well, everyone has their flaws!
Thank you, Ms. Coretta - for EVERYTHING! I love you.

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