Thursday, January 24, 2013

To be available...

I always thought of myself as a person who was available to others when they needed a helping hand.  I love to serve and to be blessing whenever I can,  and I try to do so as often as possible.  What I had not considered before, was my availability to myself.

As I consider the past 4 months of my life, I'm amazed at what I now know I am capable of.  I had no idea to what limits my mind, soul, spirit and more than anything, my physical body could be stretched.  It was like one long day that ran on and on, with no night to end it all in sight.

But here I stand, through the toughest part of it all, still standing.  I have only my GOD and Saviour, Jesus Christ to thank for that awesome fact. Without Him, I would have failed miserably. Together, He and I accomplished the almost impossible.  He showed me that sometimes I need to be available to myself first, in order to be available to someone else.  When I'm available to myself, I pray, I do devotions, I fast and I meditate on Him.  When I'm available to myself, I sing, and I allow God to fill my empty cup to overflowing.  When I've been available to myself for long enough, I find myself now fit to be available to others - especially my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am able to be an actual doer or Galatians 6:10...Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Dad and mom all moved in and ready to start
a new life in West Michigan!
Thank you Lord for being available to me so You could teach me to be available to myself, so I could be available to others.

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