Monday, January 28, 2013

Aunt Karen Modano

The next woman I am so grateful for is:
Aunt Karen Modano
My Aunt Karen is an amazing woman, and has been so very good to me for as long as I can remember.  She is my dad's twin sister, and thankfully - they are not identical!
From an early age, I can always remember Aunt Karen's gifts. She has always had the knack of giving you something so special and memorable that you hold on to it. Many of the gifts I have received from her are still in my posession to this day.  But it isn't just about her amazing gift giving ability. The thing I admire her the most for was being there for my brothers and I when we needed someone most.  When our brother, Tommy was sick with cancer, my dad had to be working all the time, and my mom had to be with him at the hospital all the time.  This left me and my two brothers ay home by ourselves quite often.  Aunt Karen would always be sure we had groceries, rides to the events that we wanted to attend, and even extra money for a pizza dinner and a video rental (for you young folks, those are the big black plastic things your parents have on the shelves next to the dvds!) 

I remember one shopping trip in particular. We were going aisle by aisle through Meijer and Aunt Karen put a box of Twinkies in the cart. I told her that my mom didn't buy Hostess cakes because they are too expensive. She said, "Do you kids like Twinkies"? Of course...we are kids! "Then you are going to have them. It's only money".  I had never heard anyone say that before. We were going to have Twinkies - without a sale or a coupon!

Whenever I was sick and in the hospital, I could always count on a delivery from Aunt Karen - a stuffed animal or flowers. I remember one in particular to this day: it was an old fashioned milkshake glass filled with pink carnations, and made to look like a strawberry milkshake.  I kept it for as long as my mom would let me, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I still have the glass it came in.  There have been so many beautiful handmade gifts as well, because not only is she generous, she is talented!  This Christmas brought a beautiful pink scarf to go with my new coat, and a silk scarf with roses on it for a dressier occasion - all handmade by her.

Even though she has physical issues of her own, and suffers a great deal of pain, she never lets that stop her from doing for someone else. When I planned a surprise birthday luncheon for my mom just a few years ago, she was the first one to say yes to coming, and then when our time was through, she had taken care of the cost for me.  All of this, and she had just been in the hospital herself and was still recovering.  Our conversations are always upbeat and positive and she never puts anyone down. She is always giving the  benefit of the doubt and putting herself in the other persons shoes.

Right up through this past Christmas, my Aunt Karen remains a constant in my life and the life of my family - always thinking about us and remembering special occasionas. During the time of my parents move to Muskegon and my mom being so sick and my dad needing so much care, her calls were a source of comfort in a crazy time. I know I can be myself with her and she never judges me.  There is a special relationship between aunts and neices, and I have been blessed with many special aunts. It's like a mom and a friend all rolled into one.  Aunt Karen is as giving and generous as anyone I have ever known. I am so thankful for her in my life, and if I haven't told her enough,
I love you!

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