Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Auntie Sharon Pimpleton

I want to explain that my grateful list is in no particular order...just as the Lord gives them to me! So, that being established,  today, I am grateful for

Auntie Sharon Pimpleton
So, in our family, we have aunts, then we have our auntie's.  Then, God saw fit to place wonderful women in my life who are just like my auntie's - minus blood relation, a technicality really!  Auntie Sharon has been so special to me, and I wonder if I have ever told her how much?  I hope I have.
Aunt Sharon is a testimony in perseverance.  Anyone who knows her story, and yet can see the tremendous strength of character that God has blessed her with must be as amazed as I.  I find myself asking her for the advice when it comes to my marriage (though she has been married half as long - this time) I ask her advice regarding my children (though she has none of her own - by birth, anyway..we all know that doesn't make a mother)and finances, because she ROCKS at saving!
Besides all of that, my Aunt Sharon is the Prayer Warrior that the Bible admonishes women to be.  When I give her a request, I KNOW that I KNOW it will be taken right to the throne!  I can't say that about many people in my life...she is one.  Her attitude is always positive, and her laugh is unmistakable!  When Sharon laughs, EVERYONE recognizes it.  Her schedule is full, but she never says no to a chance to meet for lunch - even after a 12 hour night shift.  She gives you her full attention when you are talking to her, and she responds kindly and with purpose. 
Aunt Sharon is one of the "Proverbs 31 Women" that the Lord has placed in my life, and the life of my daughter as a wonderful example.  These are women who know the Word and live it - not just talk about!  My heart hurts when I think of how she has been treated in her life, and yet she remains sweet and kind to everyone she knows.  She is a secret giver to many who will NEVER know that it was her generosity that provided the need..and she is absolutely fine with that. She doesn't need kudos or thanks, so her crown is gonna be BEAUTIFUL!!
She is so shy, I couldn't hardly find a photo of her to add to my blog...I happened to catch her off guard a few weeks ago at my House Party, so, na na na naaaa...Here she is, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life!
I love you Auntie!

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