Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ms. Linda Strait

Today, I am grateful for:
Ms. Linda Strait
The funny thing is, I can't really remember exactly when I met Linda...I know we met at church, and it has been quite a few years ago - but to me, it seems like she has always just been there. 
Ms. Linda is one of the quietest people you will ever meet...until you get to know her, and she gets to know you. Then , it's an entirely different story.  She is funny and kind, but more than anything, Ms. Linda is GENEROUS!  I'm pretty sure her picture would be in the dictionary under the word "Giving".  In all the years I have known her, I don't think she has ever said, "NO" to a request, as long as it was within her power.  Being good friends with her daughter, Karri, gave me the opportunity to spend more time with Linda outside of church - and the generosity just keeps on flowing!  Whenever Karri needs someone to watch her kids - even at the last minute, Ms. Linda is there.  Her willing heart and generous spirit make her someone to admire, and someone to look up to.  If I can be half as generous as Linda is, I'd still be more generous than most!
She has been a widow for many years now, and she still openly shares her wisdom from the years she was married with Karri and I while we did the study "The Power of a Praying Wife".  I learned things that broke my heart and made me grieve for her - but she never let it destroy her.  She is the walking example of the saying "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger."  She shared some intimate and personal struggles and trials, all in the hopes of helping two young wives in our endeavor to be a better wife. 
Ms. Linda is also HILARIOUS! Oh my goodness, she can light up a room with her laugh - and she has some one liners that will blow your hair back and you turn and say "Did Linda just say that?"  Oh, yes she did!  She is very involved in the church, serving alongside me on the finance committee, as well as on the planning committee (from which I recently escaped!) as well as being involved in the community through various women's groups and organizations. If a group of believeing women are gathering, you will probably find Ms. Linda among them.  She always makes sure to make time to serve the Lord, and better herself in the process.  Long before Karri joined us at Shekinah, Linda was that praying mother - requesting prayer for her week after week.  God is faithful and over 2 years ago, brought her daughter and her children to the church.  That is a prayer warrior - even if she doesn't realize it!
I'm so thankful that the Lord brought this family into my life - and that Linda was the start of it all.  I feel as if I am a better person, just for having known her, and realizing what a true jewel she is. 
Even though she spills water on the bible study table...she is a woman of character and wisdom.  Oh, and she can throw a mean tomahawk~!
Thank you Ms. Linda, for everything!

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