Thursday, January 31, 2013

Karri Gordon

Today I am grateful for
This woman was an answer to my prayer for a friend.  I had been in Muskegon for more than 6 years, and though I had made many friends at church or at the kids' schools (other parents, not the kids!), I still felt lonely, like I didn't have that one BFF anymore.  Our church is small, and the ladies who are there, though wonderful and certainly my friends, were older than I, and we were at such different places in our lives, it wasn't the same as a sister friend I could go through things with.

Enter Karri Gordon.  I knew of her long before we met. Her mom, Linda Strait (yesterdays post) had requested prayer for her for many years...either for a healthy pregnancy, healing from illness, but most of all, for her salvation.  Finally, Linda's prayer was answered, and Karri came to visit us at Shekinah Christian Ministries.  She was tough and strong and definitely guarded that day.  There were a few of us "younger" (yes, I shall always refer to myself as belonging to that genre) ladies who wanted to meet the lovely young lady we had prayed for so many times.  As we chatted, I felt a small hope growing...but I didn't want to get my hopes up too soon, after all, she was just there to get her mom to stop asking her to come (I found this out later!).  

Fast forward a a few months, and a new baby Ryan is added to the Gordon clan and the ladies of Shekinah made a trip to hear Joyce Meyer in Grandville, MI.  Thanks to the generosity of Ms. Corrine Strickler, we would all be staying the night at a hotel so that we could attend both days.  Of course being just a few weeks old, baby Ryan accompanied us.  The weekend turned out to be the beginning of the turning point for Karri - I could see the Lord get a hold of her heart, only I don't think she really realized it yet.  A few short weeks later, however, another tug of the Holy Spirit, and Karri became more than my friend, she became my sister in Christ.  It was Linda who approached me about doing a bible study with Karri - because she felt as if she needed something more.  We chose "The Power of a Praying Wife" and in the year we went about doing the study, our friendship grew into so much more.  Karri learned that I wasn't just a "church girl", as I could recite lyrics from every great 80's and 90's rock ballads...and I learned she wasn't just a here today, gone tomorrow Christian...she was sold out for Christ, but she needed more.

We grew in our friendship as well as learned about our husbands through that time...some good, some bad.  I wish I could say we finished, but as life tends to, it got in the way...but we will!!  In that time, she was more than generous to open her home, first as "Surprise Party Central" for my husbands surprise 50th birthday. I did all my baking, invitation making and all I could at her house, to help keep the surprise alive.  Then later that same year, even being 8 months pregnant, she once again opened her home and helped me host a bridal shower for my daughter at the very last minute.  

We have been through many trying times together, and though we haven't had many years as friends, we feel like we've known each other forever.  No matter what is going on in her world, when she hears that I'm having a struggle, I get a text saying, I'm praying for you, and what can I do?  I've received dinners while I was busy moving my parents from Detroit to Muskegon, and many encouraging phone calls just to make sure I was ok.

The past few months have been a challenge as we have both had significant changes in our lives, but it hasn't changed our friendship.  I know God has something wonderful in store for both of us, and when we finally get around to getting back to our bible study, we will be able to look back and see where God has brought us.

If I don't say it enough, I am grateful for you Karri, and I love you!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ms. Linda Strait

Today, I am grateful for:
Ms. Linda Strait
The funny thing is, I can't really remember exactly when I met Linda...I know we met at church, and it has been quite a few years ago - but to me, it seems like she has always just been there. 
Ms. Linda is one of the quietest people you will ever meet...until you get to know her, and she gets to know you. Then , it's an entirely different story.  She is funny and kind, but more than anything, Ms. Linda is GENEROUS!  I'm pretty sure her picture would be in the dictionary under the word "Giving".  In all the years I have known her, I don't think she has ever said, "NO" to a request, as long as it was within her power.  Being good friends with her daughter, Karri, gave me the opportunity to spend more time with Linda outside of church - and the generosity just keeps on flowing!  Whenever Karri needs someone to watch her kids - even at the last minute, Ms. Linda is there.  Her willing heart and generous spirit make her someone to admire, and someone to look up to.  If I can be half as generous as Linda is, I'd still be more generous than most!
She has been a widow for many years now, and she still openly shares her wisdom from the years she was married with Karri and I while we did the study "The Power of a Praying Wife".  I learned things that broke my heart and made me grieve for her - but she never let it destroy her.  She is the walking example of the saying "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger."  She shared some intimate and personal struggles and trials, all in the hopes of helping two young wives in our endeavor to be a better wife. 
Ms. Linda is also HILARIOUS! Oh my goodness, she can light up a room with her laugh - and she has some one liners that will blow your hair back and you turn and say "Did Linda just say that?"  Oh, yes she did!  She is very involved in the church, serving alongside me on the finance committee, as well as on the planning committee (from which I recently escaped!) as well as being involved in the community through various women's groups and organizations. If a group of believeing women are gathering, you will probably find Ms. Linda among them.  She always makes sure to make time to serve the Lord, and better herself in the process.  Long before Karri joined us at Shekinah, Linda was that praying mother - requesting prayer for her week after week.  God is faithful and over 2 years ago, brought her daughter and her children to the church.  That is a prayer warrior - even if she doesn't realize it!
I'm so thankful that the Lord brought this family into my life - and that Linda was the start of it all.  I feel as if I am a better person, just for having known her, and realizing what a true jewel she is. 
Even though she spills water on the bible study table...she is a woman of character and wisdom.  Oh, and she can throw a mean tomahawk~!
Thank you Ms. Linda, for everything!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Auntie Sharon Pimpleton

I want to explain that my grateful list is in no particular order...just as the Lord gives them to me! So, that being established,  today, I am grateful for

Auntie Sharon Pimpleton
So, in our family, we have aunts, then we have our auntie's.  Then, God saw fit to place wonderful women in my life who are just like my auntie's - minus blood relation, a technicality really!  Auntie Sharon has been so special to me, and I wonder if I have ever told her how much?  I hope I have.
Aunt Sharon is a testimony in perseverance.  Anyone who knows her story, and yet can see the tremendous strength of character that God has blessed her with must be as amazed as I.  I find myself asking her for the advice when it comes to my marriage (though she has been married half as long - this time) I ask her advice regarding my children (though she has none of her own - by birth, anyway..we all know that doesn't make a mother)and finances, because she ROCKS at saving!
Besides all of that, my Aunt Sharon is the Prayer Warrior that the Bible admonishes women to be.  When I give her a request, I KNOW that I KNOW it will be taken right to the throne!  I can't say that about many people in my life...she is one.  Her attitude is always positive, and her laugh is unmistakable!  When Sharon laughs, EVERYONE recognizes it.  Her schedule is full, but she never says no to a chance to meet for lunch - even after a 12 hour night shift.  She gives you her full attention when you are talking to her, and she responds kindly and with purpose. 
Aunt Sharon is one of the "Proverbs 31 Women" that the Lord has placed in my life, and the life of my daughter as a wonderful example.  These are women who know the Word and live it - not just talk about!  My heart hurts when I think of how she has been treated in her life, and yet she remains sweet and kind to everyone she knows.  She is a secret giver to many who will NEVER know that it was her generosity that provided the need..and she is absolutely fine with that. She doesn't need kudos or thanks, so her crown is gonna be BEAUTIFUL!!
She is so shy, I couldn't hardly find a photo of her to add to my blog...I happened to catch her off guard a few weeks ago at my House Party, so, na na na naaaa...Here she is, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life!
I love you Auntie!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Aunt Karen Modano

The next woman I am so grateful for is:
Aunt Karen Modano
My Aunt Karen is an amazing woman, and has been so very good to me for as long as I can remember.  She is my dad's twin sister, and thankfully - they are not identical!
From an early age, I can always remember Aunt Karen's gifts. She has always had the knack of giving you something so special and memorable that you hold on to it. Many of the gifts I have received from her are still in my posession to this day.  But it isn't just about her amazing gift giving ability. The thing I admire her the most for was being there for my brothers and I when we needed someone most.  When our brother, Tommy was sick with cancer, my dad had to be working all the time, and my mom had to be with him at the hospital all the time.  This left me and my two brothers ay home by ourselves quite often.  Aunt Karen would always be sure we had groceries, rides to the events that we wanted to attend, and even extra money for a pizza dinner and a video rental (for you young folks, those are the big black plastic things your parents have on the shelves next to the dvds!) 

I remember one shopping trip in particular. We were going aisle by aisle through Meijer and Aunt Karen put a box of Twinkies in the cart. I told her that my mom didn't buy Hostess cakes because they are too expensive. She said, "Do you kids like Twinkies"? Of course...we are kids! "Then you are going to have them. It's only money".  I had never heard anyone say that before. We were going to have Twinkies - without a sale or a coupon!

Whenever I was sick and in the hospital, I could always count on a delivery from Aunt Karen - a stuffed animal or flowers. I remember one in particular to this day: it was an old fashioned milkshake glass filled with pink carnations, and made to look like a strawberry milkshake.  I kept it for as long as my mom would let me, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I still have the glass it came in.  There have been so many beautiful handmade gifts as well, because not only is she generous, she is talented!  This Christmas brought a beautiful pink scarf to go with my new coat, and a silk scarf with roses on it for a dressier occasion - all handmade by her.

Even though she has physical issues of her own, and suffers a great deal of pain, she never lets that stop her from doing for someone else. When I planned a surprise birthday luncheon for my mom just a few years ago, she was the first one to say yes to coming, and then when our time was through, she had taken care of the cost for me.  All of this, and she had just been in the hospital herself and was still recovering.  Our conversations are always upbeat and positive and she never puts anyone down. She is always giving the  benefit of the doubt and putting herself in the other persons shoes.

Right up through this past Christmas, my Aunt Karen remains a constant in my life and the life of my family - always thinking about us and remembering special occasionas. During the time of my parents move to Muskegon and my mom being so sick and my dad needing so much care, her calls were a source of comfort in a crazy time. I know I can be myself with her and she never judges me.  There is a special relationship between aunts and neices, and I have been blessed with many special aunts. It's like a mom and a friend all rolled into one.  Aunt Karen is as giving and generous as anyone I have ever known. I am so thankful for her in my life, and if I haven't told her enough,
I love you!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ms. Coretta Pimpleton

Here we are, well into the new year.  I'm reaching the point where those promises, or "resolutions" I made have either become a new habit, or have fallen by the wayside like so many diets, books to be written or read, and that pesky porch that just does NOT want to be organized!

A challenge was issued to the congregation at church this morning, and it is one I have decided to take.  Just so you don't think me an impulsive "challenge taker", the same person issued the same challenge at a women's bible study that she was leading on January 19 - so I have had some time to really think about whether or not I would accept.

The challenge maker was the final reason I decided to take up the challenge.  Before I tell you about her, I'll tell you what the challenge is.  We are challenged to keep a "gratitude journal" for 21 days,  and to send a note of thanks or encouragement to someone that we are grateful for, or someone who has done something for which I am grateful.  I have so many people in my life who have been so good to me, and for whom I am so grateful, this challenge should be pretty easy.  The actual challenge part for me will be disciplining myself to writing everyday and sending those notes!  This is where you come in.  I have decided to make my journal, a "digital" one - for 2 reasons. First, because I have always wanted to blog, I think blogging is cool - I'm now a blogger! Second, because I know that you will all keep me accountable and responsible to keep it up. If I say I'm going to write something everyday for 21 days, it will help me stay motivated knowing that instead of a little diary on my nightstand which is only viewed by yours truly, I have all of you reading and waiting for tomorrows edition. At least that is what I hope will happen.  Either way ~ today is day one, and I am grateful for:

Ms. Coretta Pimpleton
Nearly eight years ago, God saw fit to bring this amazing woman into my life and my world, and for that, I will always be grateful!  We met, oddly enough, at a bible that she was leading called "The Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer.  This was not a study for the faint of heart, ladies. This study had teeth! And Ms. Coretta was just the lady to lead me through it!  At the time, I was a new wife and mother (these events all occurred on the same day - more on that later!) and I was struggling to fit in with a new town and folks at a new church.  Neither of these were going very well, when one Sunday I noticed an announcement on the screen at church for a women's bible study.  It had alredy started, and I'm not one to jump into something in the middle, but I felt compelled to go that next meeting.  Before that day arrived, however, my mom and dad came from Detroit to visit and spend a few days with us.  We decided to go to church, and that morning I introduced my mom to Ms. Coretta - having only met her one time before myself.  It was only a few moments and they were conversing like old friends, and I excused myself to go find Joey, who had disappeared from his Sunday School class - again!  Upon finding him where he could always be found, then and now, at the refreshments, I went back to find my mom and Ms. Coretta.  They had finished their conversation and my mom was waiting for me to get my coat on so we could leave.  As I accomplished this task, my mom said these words to me - "Amy, I want you to get close to her".  I really didn't think much if it at the time - I figured she had given her telephone number and asked her to spy on me.  Later that month I attended the first Battlefield study, and I knew I was home.  God had sent me a friend, or 5!  There were ladies in the study that I remain close friends with to this day.  This friendship has withstood a change of churches and pastors, distinctly different upbringings and multiple health issues for both of our husbands and ourselves. 
Here we are today, and it makes me proud to say that Ms. Coretta Pimpleton is my pastor's wife, my mentor, my example of the Proverbs 31 woman, but more than all of these, I am honored to call her my friend.  Even when she catches me in the wintertime, not wearing a hat or socks, I know she still loves me. When she challenges me to "re-language" the negative comment I just made, I know she cares. And when she criticizes my choice of PANK for a favorite color...well, everyone has their flaws!
Thank you, Ms. Coretta - for EVERYTHING! I love you.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

To be available...

I always thought of myself as a person who was available to others when they needed a helping hand.  I love to serve and to be blessing whenever I can,  and I try to do so as often as possible.  What I had not considered before, was my availability to myself.

As I consider the past 4 months of my life, I'm amazed at what I now know I am capable of.  I had no idea to what limits my mind, soul, spirit and more than anything, my physical body could be stretched.  It was like one long day that ran on and on, with no night to end it all in sight.

But here I stand, through the toughest part of it all, still standing.  I have only my GOD and Saviour, Jesus Christ to thank for that awesome fact. Without Him, I would have failed miserably. Together, He and I accomplished the almost impossible.  He showed me that sometimes I need to be available to myself first, in order to be available to someone else.  When I'm available to myself, I pray, I do devotions, I fast and I meditate on Him.  When I'm available to myself, I sing, and I allow God to fill my empty cup to overflowing.  When I've been available to myself for long enough, I find myself now fit to be available to others - especially my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am able to be an actual doer or Galatians 6:10...Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Dad and mom all moved in and ready to start
a new life in West Michigan!
Thank you Lord for being available to me so You could teach me to be available to myself, so I could be available to others.