Wednesday, January 1, 2014

for fishing!

I hope I've hooked a few of you who know me well, and caught you with that title and caused you to ask, "Amy? Fishing? I think NOT!"

And you would be correct. I prefer my seafood neatly wrapped in white butchers paper at the local market, no heads, tails or icky "innards" to dispose of, &  ready for me to cook - for someone ELSE!

So why is it my season for fishing? Because the Lord promised me that if I cast aside my own nets, and follow Him, He would make me a fisher of men...and women.  That has always been my heart's win men and women to Christ.  The desire became much stronger after my Grandpa, Bishop Allen Parent, passed away this summer.  Hearing the stories of how he touched so many men and women in his 89 years has left me with the deep desire to live up to his heritage and the legacy of his life's work. When I leave this earth,  I want people to say, "You knew she loved the Lord", and "she never was ashamed to preach the Gospel".

I've been fishing all my life...some times more than others.  There were years when I never even baited a hook. If I am honest with myself, and you, there were some years I never even got the pole out!  But here I am, a living example that repentance and turning from my wrong ways that yields forgiveness and a fresh start.  I've been blessed to be raised up in "the church".  So many years I wasted thinking it was my right instead of my privilege.  I'm so glad that those selfish and unproductive years are behind me.

For you young people (and not so young people alike!) out there who think that you can do it without the advice is don't waste too much time trying to prove it!  The longer you spend outside of His protection, the harder it is to find your way back.  You may be experiencing "blessings" but don't forget that there are probably folks out there praying for you, and holding you up to the Almighty...He may only be answering their prayers, for which you are reaping the rewards. Never underestimate the power of a praying mother!  The bible is pretty clear on what it means to have a walk for Christ, and what it means to NOT have one.  Sin separates you from God - period!  SO if you are living with any type of sin that you justify with "God knows my heart" and "everyone sins", I challenge you to stop trying to justify a sinful lifestyle, and give your life back to the Lord, who gave it to you to begin with.  If you think you are being blessed now, just wait until you return...oh my, how Jesus LOVES a prodigal who has come to their senses!!

As I enter 2014, I'm reminded of the year gone by, and wishing I hadn't spent so much time trying to "help" people who really didn't want my help. I realize there are people in this world who will just use you and use you and use you...especially through your work in ministry. After all, aren't we supposed to forgive and turn the other cheek?  Well, not if the outcome continues to be the same, and there is no change, and the help becomes enabling.  In the Gospels, when men and women would not hear the testimony of  His disciples, God told his men to shake the old dust off their feet and move on. I'll continue to be in prayer for those who have used me and my time and my resources for their own personal gain..but my prayer has changed a bit. I pray that Lord will not let them have a moments peace while they behave in this selfish way.

I refuse to stop believing that there is good in people, but I will stop trying to find the good in those who are doing such an amazing job of hiding it from me.  Instead, I will go forward and find new people who need and more importantly, who want I have to share, people who are tired of living a life for themselves and want to live a life for Christ.  For those people, I am sold out, ready to pour all that I have and more into helping them enjoy the blessings and favor that I have so often testified about.  This is not a walk for the timid or the faint of heart. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and DO YOUR WORK! I've done my work, and oh, what a reward I have received. The best part is, I have another reward waiting for me! It just keeps getting better!

This year, the Lord has led me to "cast my net on the other side". Are you spending time with those who are just sucking the very life from you?  Do you have those people whose calls come in and you ponder, "what is today's drama going to be?" Or those who will take all you have to give, and then ask for more...but when you try to get them to help another, maybe do a little work, they disappear, or their schedule just won't allow it?  I do...or at least, I used to. No more.  They are going to see a new Amy this year.  You will either do your work like I've done mine, or you can stay in that chaos and confusion that you navigate so very well. Sadly, I'm sure they will be able to find another person to exploit and use.  But I can't be concerned with that. I'm trusting in God for what I cannot control.

Here I go, dusting off my shoes, and casting my nets on the other side of the boat.  Anxiously awaiting the catch of new men and women who will be as on fire for the Lord as I am, and who will be willing to do their work!  Anyone want to go with me?

 Happy 2014


  1. I'm in Amy!! Right beside you in that boat! I love you & your heart for our Awesome Savior & lost people making their way to, AND back to Him!! Very well said! I miss you!

    1. Thanks Aim...I miss you too! Praying to be a more present at DeColores outings in the year to come...hope we see each other! Glad to have you in MY BOAT!! Love you much!
