Friday, December 19, 2014

for reaping!

As I spend time wrapping gifts, putting out the last few decorations, something occurred to me. 

I am blessed.  

Now, I'm not just speaking about the "blessed because I have food, shelter and clothing" kind of being blessed...I'm so much more than that kind of  blessed! 

When I consider the past year,  all I can think of is loss. Great and significant loss of some of the most important people in my world.  Loss that has changed everything about my everyday life kind of loss.  Loss that still gives me that drop in the pit of my stomach when I think about it, still makes me cry, and at times really wonder the obvious..."WHY?"

But then I consider the past few weeks, and the next few weeks to come...and my heart is lightened, and the feeling in the pit of my stomach turns from sorrow to excitement, mixed with a little trepidation, but mostly excitement!  

I think of the wonderful organizations that I have been blessed to work with during this Holiday season.  The Forgotten Man Ministries, where we (Jeff and I), met with about 15 other volunteers at the jail to assemble gift bags for the more than 400 inmates who are or will be incarcerated on Christmas.  These aren't gift bags like you've ever assembled or received (hopefully!) but to the inmates, these are the most wonderful gifts imaginable.  The gifts consist of a pair of white, men's tube socks (for both men and women), a bottle of shampoo (a big one thanks to generous donors this year) a stick of deodorant, a new toothbrush (unbreakable, of course!) travel size toothpaste, 4 small candy bars, 4 pieces of hard candy, a candy cane, one blank Christmas card ( to be sent to family or friend).  All of this is in a brown paper sack, passed to the inmate through the bars by a FMM volunteer.  To receive these necessities in the form of a gift might not garner lots of excitement, you might think. 

But then, you'd be wrong.  The smiles, excitement and joy at being given something as mundane as deodorant and toothbrushes humbles me in a way I didn't know I could be.  Have I EVER needed something that much?  EVER?  I'm both happy and ashamed to say, I have not.  I'm happy because I've never been in need - and why wouldn't I be happy about that?  But I'm also ashamed, because I have often taken these things for granted, as if I'm entitled to them..after all, I've never been incarcerated, have I?  So, does that entitle me to basic necessities? No,  I'm not entitled to anything, and I ought to be just as excited as these men and women when the Lord provides for me the needs of my life and that of my family.  

Lord, forgive me for my sense of entitlement.

I think of the time I've been able to spend with my daughter, Julie, during this Christmas season.  We are as close as a mother and a daughter can be...and I know this, because I have the same relationship with my own mother!  There is nothing I wouldn't do for my children, but there is this special place in my heart reserved just for my daughter.  Its the place that often tugs at me when I see something in the stores that she might like, or maybe even need.  It was in that place I made the decision to purchase tickets to go to Harvest Bible Chapel in Elgin Illinois last weekend.  

The Water Tower Mall at Christmas Time!
Julie's favorite television show as a child (and I believe to this day!) is Full House.  Well, thanks to social media, she found out that Candace Cameron Bure (the one time D.J. Tanner of Full House fame) would be speaking at the "Behind the Glitter" Women's Conference there at the church in Elgin.  Only $15 per ticket, and approximately 3 and half hour drive, each way.  Now, a weekend trip to Chi town on it's own merits would be an easy decision.  However, this year, we already have plans to be heading to Virginia to pick up our son, Joseph from Ft. Lee for his Holiday Block Leave, and we need to head out on Tuesday.  That would be the day after we returned from a late night drive home after spending a day in the big city!  What to do?  It's hardly a choice, really.  This is Candace Cameron Bure - one of Julie's "bucket List" people to meet! This mom is going to find a way!   I log onto the website, order the tickets and leave it at that! Too late now...we are going to Chicago on Sunday!

The event was all we hoped for and the day was as much fun as it could be.  We spent the early part of the day shopping in the city - the Water Tower Mall and 900 Michigan Ave Mall.  We didn't spend much (not hard to do with these prices) but how much fun we had in the process! We headed to the church as evening approached, and it was wonderful to hear the testimony of my daughters idol.  She is a lover of Jesus Christ, and her life is a testimony to that.  Her teen age daughter sang the Revelation Song like and angel, and this mom had a tough time holding back the tears.  The long line for the meet and greet started at 8:30 pm...but by 9:30 pm we had our photo op and autographed program in hand...time to get back to Muskegon!

Pvt. Joseph Milner
Wait a minute, Joseph mentioned buying tickets to a Lions football game for he and his father for Christmas...and I think the game is in Chicago, next Sunday!  Are we really going to be in Chicago two weekends in a row, and the second after a drive to Virginia to pick him up at the base?   Sounds like it!  However, after some serious numbers crunching and a great tip from a friend, the decision was made to have us all meet in Chi Town together on Saturday instead of us making that cross country drive, Griswold style (OK, so it's not quite Wally World, but it is still a really long way!)  So, a few keystrokes, visits to Orbitz, Travelocity and and we are flight from VA to Chicago, and we are set to make the drive to Chicago one more time!

So, why am I telling you about all of these details of the past few weeks?  Because without the blessings of our Heavenly Father, NONE OF IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE!

How on earth can we afford all of these opportunities?  Well, first and foremost, we know that our Heavenly Father is faithful to His Word, and He keeps His promises. In Malachi, He said to: Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it".
"TRY ME", He said. And so we have.  One thing that is an automatic in our home is faithful and joyful giving.  We never PAY our tithes and offerings. We GIVE them.  10 % is such a small amount, and for the returns we receive, I can't imagine ever NOT doing this simple act of worship.  

But is it only the financial blessings that we are receiving?  Hardly.  God has blessed us with a super natural strength, energy and stamina like never before.  Jeff and I struggle with physical health - each in our own way.  Somehow, this season, God has blessed us with the ability to just keep on going!  Now I say this after only part of these events have do I know that the next 3 weeks will be like the last 3?  Well, again, I go to His Word, and I read in Ephesians:  Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Exceedingly, abundantly above...that's what it's going to take for the drive to Chicago, a night, the football game on Sunday, the drive home, a trip to Detroit on the 23rd, Christmas Eve with family on the 24th, a family day trip to Frankenmuth and Bronner's on the 27th, and finally a trip back to Detroit on January 2 to take Joseph to the airport to return to base.  Those are the things we already have planned...who knows what will spring up as the days approach.  

But we are ready  for it, whatever it is!

So, after the year from hell...that's all I can call it, because in my limited mind, this is what I think hell will surely be like, I can still say,  I'm blessed.  

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away..BLESSED be the name of the Lord!
Our parking garage in Chicago...Socail Media is EVERYWHERE!

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